“She’s a brilliant media communicator, a rare nutritionist who has a chef’s passion for the kitchen and uses a highly relatable style to get her audience excited about food and nutrition.”
Tony Sarno, Editor in Chief, Fitness First Magazine
healthy ageing
As we age, our nutrition needs change. Jemma joined Dr Sarah White on the Jean Hailes Healthy Ageing Podcast to discuss the essential nutrients older women need.
australian bananas
There’s one surprising superfood that’s powering AO players on the court. Jemma chatted with Evan Wallace on ABC Northern Tasmania.
the experts podcast
Clocking up 100 media segments in 2024, Jemma chatted to Media Stable’s Nic Hayes about life as a media dietitian and her big plans for 2025.
new year’s resolutions
They’re an opportunity to set ourselves up for success, but are new year’s resolutions doing more harm than good? Jemma chatted with ABC Melbourne’s Justin Smith.
festive feasting
Overindulged over the festive season? Jemma chatted with Russell Collett on 6PR about overindulgence, leftovers and setting yourself up for success in 2025.
vegan diets
What do you need to consider before going on a vegan diet? Jemma chatted with Bension Siebert on The Briefing (17:25).
New research suggests a Goldilocks approach works best for breakfast - not too little, not too much, just right. Jemma chatted about the importance of breakfast with ABC Perth.
What’s healthier, butter or margarine? Jemma’s answer is always to choose avocado. She chatted with ABC Perth’s Michael Tetlow about their cholesterol lowering benefits.
Known as the vegetarian’s meat, mushrooms are superfoods that we can all benefit from. Jemma chatted with ABC Perth on National Mushroom Day.
nuts and dementia
Do nuts reduce the risk of dementia? Jemma spoke with Oliver Peterson on 6PR.
unpacking ultra-processed foods
Are ultra-processed foods silently harming our health? Jemma unpacked ultra-processed foods on the Stories From The Heart Podcast.
ditch the detox
Detox diets - good business or good health? Jemma spoke to Jamie Burnett from 6PR about why we need to ditch the detox.
how to make veggies taste good
Jemma and Rob Cameron talked all things vegetables and how to make them taste good.
canned vegetables
Do canned or frozen vegetables have the same nutritional value as fresh veggies? Jemma chatted with 2GB’s Chris O’Keefe.
fast food sponsorship
Ex-AFL player Andrew Jobling and Jemma engaged in a hard hitting conversation about fast food sponsorship of the AFL and the impact on the health of our kids.
veg intake in decline
1 in 15 adults and 1 in 20 children are meeting their vegetable intake. So what’s causing the decline? Jemma chatted with Georgia Stynes on ABC Canberra.
inside our supermarkets
Jemma chatted with Kim Napier from ABC Northern Tasmania about the findings from Deakin University’s Inside Our Supermarkets 2024 Report.
Neotame, an intense sweetener has made headlines after emerging research found a negative association with gut function. Jemma chatted with 6PR’s Oliver Peterson.
how much is too much chocolate?
Jemma spoke with 2GB’s Clinton Maynard about how to find a happy balance with chocolate at Easter time.
food additives
Turn over the packet of most foods and you’ll find many additives listed in the ingredients list. Jemma chatted in studio with Rob Cameron on Pulse Radio.
chocolate guilt?
Should we feel guilty for indulging in some chocolate over Easter? You may be suprised to hear Jemma’s advice, chatting live in the studio with Rob Cameron on Pulse Radio.
Is it Possible to Eat Healthy on a Budget?
How can we eat well AND stick to our food budgets? Jemma shared her practical tips with Leah Allen-Ankins on Sonshine.
ultra-processed foods
A large new study has found that ultra processed foods are directly linked to 32 harmful health outcomes. But are all ultra processed foods bad for us? Jemma chatted with Leah Allen-Ankins on Sonshine’s Table Talk.
weight loss drugs
Are you considering trying a weight loss drug like Ozempic? Listen to this first. Jemma chatted with Shane McInnes on 3AW.
hot cross buns
How healthy are hot cross buns and which ones are the best ones to eat? Jemma chatted with Kim Napier on ABC Northern Tasmania.
to weigh or not to weigh?
Jemma joined host Rob Cameron in-studio at Pulse Geelong for a chat about new year diets, weighing ourselves and how to fuel our bodies for exercise performance.
new years resolutions
According to a recent survey, more than 1 in 4 Aussies are looking to diet in 2024. So is dieting a healthy new years resolution? On NYD, Jemma shared her advice with Tony Jones on 3AW.
festive food
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Jemma spoke to Joel Rheinberger on ABC Hobart about the best produce to eat this festive season.
grand final entertaining
Entertaining guests this spring? Look no further than a grazing board. Jemma chatted with Kelly Higgins-Devine in-studio at ABC Brisbane about how to build a delicious and nutritious grazing platter.
fast food sponsorship
When footy finals hits, there’s more fast food advertising than you could throw an AFL ball at. And the health of our children is suffering. Jimmy Bartel and Jemma caught up to chat about how we can protect our kids.
pulse radio geelong
Jemma joined Broadcaster Rob Cameron in studio in Geelong to discuss the cost of living crisis, intermittent fasting and tips for keeping kids nourished on a budget.
As Jemma would say, peels are very appealing. Jemma and Georgia Stynes explored all things fruit and veg peels and discussed practical tips to maximise nutritional value with zero waste.
breakfast veggies
It may not be the time that you’d usually think to get your veggies in, but starting early can make a big difference. Jemma and Georgia Stynes share tips for veg at breakfast.
veggie challenge
It’s Veggie Challenge time at ABC Canberra! Jemma spoke with Georgia Stynes about easy ways to add a little extra goodness to everyday meals.
Which is better, full cream or low fat milk? Anna Vidot invited Jemma for a chat on Canberra’s Drive program.
winter comfort meals
Jemma joined Georgia Stynes for ABC Canberra’s Wednesday Foodie segment to talk winter comfort meals and the launch of the new Heart Foundation Recipe Book.
gluten free on a budget
Jemma spoke to 6PR about enjoying a gluten free diet on a budget.
healthy habits after the holidays
Ben from Hope Mornings welcomed Jemma back on the show to chat about getting back into healthy habits after the holidays.
back to school
Bill Woods spoke with Jemma about how to make sure kids are eating as healthily as possible as they return to school.
healthy lunchboxes
Neil Gill from Triple M Central West spoke with Jemma about her top tips for a healthy lunchbox and how junk food advertising is influencing our children’s decisions.
small changes go a long way
What foods have been found to make the greatest difference to our heart health? Jemma chatted with Jo McManus on 6PR Perth Radio about the findings from a new research study that surveyed over 70,000 people across the globe.
what australia eats
Georgia Stynes invited Jemma back to ABC Radio Canberra to chat about the Heart Foundation’s new report, What Australia Eats, and the key findings around meat, legumes and vegetables.
beans, beans, they’re good for your heart
When it comes to your weekly shop, there’s an item that will help your hip pocket, and your heart. It’s beans! Jemma chatted with Rebecca Levingston on ABC Radio Brisbane about why they’re so good for the heart.
how to save on your weekly grocery bill
With the rise in food prices, Georgia Stynes from ABC Radio Canberra was keen to chat with Jemma about how to save money on the weekly food bill.
family friendly budget recipes
Jemma chatted with Ben McEachen from Hope Mornings about the Heart Foundation’s new Family Friendly Budget Recipe Book and shared tips for fuss-free mealtimes.
juice & detox diets
Are juice cleanses a safe way to lose weight? Jemma chatted with Jules Schiller on ABC Radio Adelaide.
i’m a dietitian podcast
Nuts for a Healthy Heart
How many nuts should we be eating each day and which types? Jemma chatted to Russell Woolf on ABC Radio Perth.
For media enquiries please contact Jemma
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