“She’s a brilliant media communicator, a rare nutritionist who has a chef’s passion for the kitchen and uses a highly relatable style to get her audience excited about food and nutrition.”
Tony Sarno, Editor in Chief, Fitness First Magazine
what you need to do for a longer life
What is the secret to living longer? Jemma explored the science on healthy ageing with The Australian’s Stephen Lunn.
can eating only raw food actually heal… anything?
It might have 75 million views on TikTok, but is the raw food diet as healthy as it seems? Jemma was interviewed by Hannah Vanderheide for body+soul.
how to cut food bills and boost health
Cheap and full of goodness, beans, lentils and chickpeas are pantry superheroes. Jemma chatted with Kimberly Gillan from The Age in goodfood.
the vegan experiment
Jemma shared her experience of going vegan with Fitness First Magazine’s readers and opened up about the highs and lows of the experiment.
juice’s health star rating fail
With the health star rating of fruit juices plummeting to below that of diet coke, Jemma weighed up the pros and cons of having a bottle of juice in the fridge.
brain food: cocoa vs chocolate
Can chocolate boost brain health? Jemma reviewed chocolate’s health benefits for Fitness First Magazine.
spud science
In WA Potatoes Magazine, Jemma shared the secret superpowers of spuds that may surprise you.
invasion of probiotics
Once found in certain fermented products, probiotics now come in fizzy drinks, chips, muesli and even peanut butter. Jemma wrote about whether they will make you healthier.
humble spud sexy again
A sentimental favourite, the humble spud is making a comeback and Jemma spoke to The Courier Mail about the health benefits of this versatile vegetable.
ancient elixir a modern marvel
More and more people are seeking to use extra virgin olive oil, the ‘juice’ pressed from Australian olives. Jemma spoke with Diana Jenkins from The Herald Sun.
top fare to boost your mood
Looking for foods that boost health + happiness? Jemma spoke to The Herald Sun about the benefits of fruit, veg & nuts.
milk alternatives
How healthy is that plant based milk? Jemma reviewed a sample of milks for Fitness First Magazine and advised how nutritious they really are.
potatoes as fuel
Can potatoes enhance sports performance? Jemma wrote about the latest research for Fitness First Magazine.
vegetarian keto
For most people the ketogenic diet generally means eating more fatty meats and fish, so can a plant-based keto diet work? Jemma investigated the pros and cons for Fitness First Magazine.
The yoghurt aisle can be a maze to navigate. With options like natural, Greek, pot-set, light, full fat, no added sguar, lactose-free and more, it can be difficult to know what to put in your trolley. Jemma rated yoghurts from top marks to treat yo-self.
8 secret benefits of avocados
We all know avocados are rich in good fats, but here are eight more reasons to order the smashed avo at brunch.
why fibre is back
Research reveals fibre is one of the most essential parts of a healthy diet. Jemma shared the best ways to meet your fibre intake every day.
Shop like a dietitian
For Fernwood Magazine, Jemma revealed the key items that are always in her shopping trolley and shared simple swaps to boost health.
bananas: The new sports drink?
Bananas may be better than a sports drink for endurance exercise, according to new research. Jemma wrote about the benefits of bananas and how to fuel for fitness.
going vegan
Could you go from being an omnivore to a vegan with the click of your fingers? This is what Jemma did, all in the name of research.
late night naughty hibblies
Jemma shared five simple swaps with Oxygen Magazine’s readers to feel satisfied after dinner.
why ‘diet’ is a dirty word
Dieting has been around for centuries, but it’s fast become a negative term. For Fernwood Magazine, Jemma wrote about why we need to focus less on weight, and more on wellness.
an apple a day
We all know apples are good for us, but what is it about the fruit that makes them so unique? Jemma shared her advice with Fernwood Magazine.
broccoli protein
Broccoli protein is fast emerging as an alternative to pea protein and it’s been created here in Australia. Jemma reported on the latest research in Fitness First Magazine.
vegan mince
Jemma shared her thoughts in Fitness First Magazine about a new innovation in the vegan category: mince that’s not made from meat.
healthiest ice creams
Jemma reviewed the ‘healthy ice cream’ category in the supermarket and revealed just how healthy they really are.
festive drinking survival tips
There’s always that silly time of year when alcohol is constantly flowing. So how do we stay on track with so much temptation? Jemma shared her tips with Fitness First Magazine’s readers.
probiotics vs prebiotics
Do you know the difference between probiotics and prebiotics? A simple way to remember is that one eats the other. Jemma shared her advice and cheat sheet with Fernwood Magazine.
simple swaps
Jemma shared five simple food swaps with Men’s Muscle & Health Magazine.
horse yoga
Would you ever try yoga on a horse? Jemma gave it a go, all in the name of research and reported back to Fitness First Magazine.
For media enquiries please contact Jemma
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